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Essay/Term paper: Play overviews

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Actor: Gavin Kane
Character: Eddie
Play: Fool for Love by Sam Shepard

Super Objective:

Eddie wants May to understand just how much he"s gone through to come and see
her. He wants her realize his love for her even though he has done somethings that would
cause her to doubt him. Eddie needs to be with May, she is a security for him and no
matter what he will keep coming back to her.

Scene Objective:

In this scene, Eddie is trying to get May to go with him to Wyoming. He wants
her to realize how good they are for each other and how much he needs her. He is doing
this by, basically sweet talking her, for example he says, "I missed you more than anything
I ever missed in my whole life." The main problem with Eddie"s plea is that he has had an
affair with another woman.

Actor: Sarah Orson
Character: May
Play: Fool for Love by Sam Shepard

Super Objective:

May is the type of character who tries to stand up for what she believes in when in
fact you know she is truly torn. May is lonely, but does not want to settle for Eddie"s
excuses. She promises herself she won"t go back to him no matter what. When in the end
Eddie leaves and walks out on her.

Scene Objective:

In this scene, May wants Eddie to realize that she is not falling for his lame excuses
anymore and she will not go away with him to Wyoming. No matter what Eddie says or
does May will not let him get to her, she stands firm backing her answer of "no."

Line-by-Line actions:
Eddie: pleading
May: justification
E precise
M rebuttal
E exact
M attitude
E sincere
M getting pulled in to Eddie"s statement
E explains
M interested
E said with a sense of insecurity
M inquisitive
E flatters
M concern
E feeble
M rejects
E stalls
M reprimands
E minimizes
M humor
E precise
M furious
E puts up his guard
M stands strong
E authoritative
M independent
E informative
M she thinks he is ridiculous
E shows his need for her
M feels she must explain herself
E surprise
M feels he thinks she can"t handle a job
E retreats
M explanation
E puts her down
M gives up


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